Inclement Weather

Inclement Weather

Inclement Weather Policy

For your safety, we follow a daily Mass and evening activity schedule which coincides with East Lyme School cancellations.  The policy is as follows:

When East Lyme Schools are closed for weather related reasons, the 9 a.m. daily MASS is also cancelled and all parish offices will be closed. If there is a delayed opening, Mass will begin at 9 a.m. on the regular schedule.

Holy Day masses will be celebrated as scheduled even if East Lyme Schools are closed.

Please watch and listen for school cancellations on television (WFSB & WVIT) and radio stations.

Evening events which have been cancelled for any reason will be posted on TV Channels 3 (WFSB) & 4 (WVIT), their websites, and here on ours.  Check the Cancellations tab from any page on our website.

Keep in mind, power outages are not uncommon.  If you don’t have power, we probably don’t either. The church will be dark and without heat.  We won’t have Mass. Please stay home and stay safe.